SPOKEN FUNK, which has been the HOTTEST show in HOLLYWOOD for more than ten years, is going to be held in VICTORVILLE. A High Desert HOT SPOT at last! Here, you'll find poetry, humor, music, giveaways, contests, prizes, and most importantly, FUN! Fun! And FUN! Bring your loved ones and friends to come and put the High Desert on the map! Also, don’t forget your camera as you’re gonna want to remember this night. The event POETRI turns 21... AGAIN is going to be held on Sat, Oct 22, 2022, at 6:00 PM PDT at Bear Valley Country Club 13229 Spring Valley Parkway Victorville, CA 92395 United States
After enjoying this event, you will hunt for a cozy shelter to relax. And your search would end with Comfort Suites Victorville. Nestled in a strategic location, this hotel is a home away from home. The hotel gives its guests all the comforts and facilities that a traveler looks for. It is just a few steps away from the city’s main attractions. Whether it is a personal short stay, family stay, or corporate stay, Comfort Suites Victorville serves as a perfect destination for all. It also offers all the modern amenities and services you can ask for. Whatever your purpose - tourism, business, or events, the location is quite an advantage. Their warm hospitality, peace, relaxation, and un-interrupted atmosphere is an experience that will endure in the memories of their guests forever. Please browse https://www.eventbrite.com/e/poetri-turns-21-again-tickets-417262191447?aff=ebdssbdestsearch for further information!

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